Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Hi friends friends see you in my blog.
This time I will share about battery maintenance to remain durable.
sometimes we are often annoyed with hp us, we again fit texting or facebooakan we depleted the battery suddenly went blank or when just at full charge.
That may happen because we take care of one way.
nah just.
The first should not texting while hp again in cas,
because it will make the battery so swollen.
if you want to use hp wait until the battery is completely full.
the latter do not allow us to baterinya hp empty.
if there are low-battery notification directly in charge only or fitting we again traveled far but we do not carry cas hp should be turned off.
yes that's all of the beneficial saya.semoga,
likely that others will follow.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
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